Expanding Wealth Inequality and Changing Class Identification: A Temporal Trend Analysis on Shanghai, China (1991-2013)

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 11:15
Oral Presentation
Jun LI, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China
Research on Chinese class identification, or subjective social status, has been a hot topic in recent years, but long-term trend analysis is scarce. Using a unique data set collected in Shanghai through 1991 to 2013, this research shows the periodical change in determinants of class identification. In mid-1990s people evaluated their status only by income, while the other two indicators of stratification, education and occupation, also played the significant role at the beginning of 21st century. However, the recent period witnessed a new era in which subjective status is mainly determined by one’s wealth, such as income and housing. Meanwhile, the average of citizens’ subjective status declined in the examined two decades.