The Role of Social Welfare Benefits for Young People’s Transitions from School to Work
Using dual-channel sequence analysis, we examine young people’s STWTs and their trajectories into financial independence simultaneously. Our data consists of administrative data from the career guidance of the German Federal Employment Agency and of integrated employment biographies (IEB) of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) for young school leavers over a period of 6.5 years after compulsory school. As a result, we detect a variety of STWT patterns like smooth standard transitions, delayed transitions, detours and directionless patterns combined with various trajectories of financial (in)dependence. Our results support the hypotheses that standard transitions go along with financial security and that young people permanently end up as welfare recipients after directionless STWTs. Both results hold true for young people from welfare recipient households as well as from wealthier households. Between the two extremes, social welfare benefits only play a minor role for young people in Germany. We do not find typical transitions into employment that are systematically linked to (temporary) welfare benefits during detours or delays – at least not of relevant frequency.