„It’s Irie!“ a Post-Postolonial Approach to Diversity at „World Music“ Festivals
Curatorial strategies are seen as a discursive social practice, which (de)construct identities, symbols and relations, or, put differently‚ the ‚curatorial’ is understood as a complex field of different intermingling practices, persons and institutions where dominant ideologies, terminologies, habits etc. are (re)produced, but where the curator also embodies a special role when it comes to defining (social) conventions in the respective field: Festival curators, in directing, administering and mediating music performances, work at the interface of the production, mediation and consumption of these aesthetic expressions. In doing so, they contribute to how the terms and conditions for diversity are set.
Therefore, the paper deals with how conventions in music develop and takes a look at the interdependencies between diversity, music, space and place, thereby combining performance, cultural and postcolonial studies with sociological and ethnomusicological theoretical and methodological approaches.