Reconceptualizing Resilience and What It Implies for CCA, Drr, and Sustainability Development: A Sociological Pespective Stressing Socio-Cultural Dimensions, Human Agency, and Innovatioin
The paper criticizes the mainstream conceptualization of resilience for its flat portrayal (and all-too-often neglect) of socio-cultural dimensions, the role of human agency, and innovative and creative activities. Drawing on a wide range of relevant sociological research, the paper offers an alternative conceptualization. It emphasizes: (1) the socio-cultural and institutional context of resilience processes; (2) the socio-political capacity of entrepreneurs to mobilize human agents and resources (including economic and technical resources) in response to systemic disturbances; and (3) the capacity to initiate innovation processes and produce creative responses and adaptations to systemic disturbances. Cases of municipalities and local communities are presented and analyzed in this new perspective. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of the reconceptualization for CCA, DRR, and Sustainability Development.