Civil Identity in Crimea: Between Consensus and Conflict.

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 11:00
Oral Presentation
Nataliya VELIKAYA, Political Socioligy, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation

The problem of constructing and developing of civil identity is very actual for transforming political systems and for societies with confused identity. Crimea nowadays has to change and correct not only legislature and administrative system, but also to solve some socio-cultural problems which should provide integration with Russian society. In this context we pay attention to historical consciousness and historical memory, which is considered as one of the grounds of civil state identity.

Our paper is based on the data of sociological research of 2017 years which supposed different methods. We analyze different canals and different social agents which transmit main cultural values and historical memories which determine national and civil identity. Crimea identity is determined mainly by memory of soviet period which is estimate by people as "lost paradise". During period of belonging to Ukraine Republic all of Soviet symbols (not Russian ones) were used in the latent fight against ukrainization. We offer to discuss rating of actual symbols of civil identity which are used intensively in Crimea and to analyze which of them connect with Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet (Ukrainian) and modern periods.

We focus on content of historical consciousness which can unite regional community and some conflict factors which divide it. During all post-Soviet period in Crimea pro-russian orientations were dominating and all these sentiments were partly protest one which created deep conflict with Ukrainian political and public institutes. Family remains the main factor of broadcasting ideas of "Russian World" and we didn't notice significant intergenerational differences.

As for constructing of identity we can conclude that power choose the different victories of Russia as the base for actual civil identity which gives as opportunity to speak about militarization of consciousness particularly in Crimea and in Russia in general.