Experiences with Images Senses and Sentiments in the Student Occupations in ParanĂ¡ in 2016 # Ocupatudo #

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 17:30
Oral Presentation
Ana Luisa FAYET SALLAS, Teacher, Brazil
I propose a reflection on the process of reconstruction of an experience of political action of young high school students who were engaged in the Occupations of the Public Schools, as a resistance to the proposals of Temer Government High School Reforms. There were more than 1,000 student-occupied schools across Brazil in 2016, in a process of widespread mobilization in the context of recent political struggles in the country. Two elements guide my thinking: one is the Didi-Huberman perspective associating image, action and emotion (2016), the other is the question of the recognition struggle as proposed by Honneth (2009). So, I put together an image workshop with some students about each moment of that experience. This activity was thought of as a reflection process shared with students about the experience of that involvement in the political struggle. We have the question: how to translate that experience / feelings into images? The result will be an exhibition at the university and a collage of the photographs produced by them on a city wall. Three elements guide my reflections: 1. deals with these images produced by the agents themselves (emic) from their cell phones; 2. concerns the material dimension that they will have with their impression and intervention (drawing, collage) in the construction of other meanings and meanings and; finally, the ethical dimension implied since the exhibition of the images and of these juvenile bodies has two consequences: from the consent in its exposition there is a legal implication and that only now they return to a critical and reflective dimension of that experience; and the political dimension in the re-signification of "Occupations" for "Spring Student". It is about these multiple aspects that I intend to reflect with their epistemological and methodological meanings in the perspective of visual sociology.