Happiness, Life Satisfaction, and Social Network in Korea and China
The present study thus examines this relationship by three distinct measures of social network comparing two different countries, South Korea and China, to check the sensitivity of the relationship cross-nationally. Specifically, I use (1) name generator, the oldest and most popular network generator fitted to capture strong ties around an ego; (2) position generator, the measure of social resources embedded in occupational network; and (3) the MOS (Medical Outcomes Study) social support variable that, in short, counts number of reliable friends and close relatives when in need. The former two are general social network measures while the last is an indicator of social support.
The empirical analyses show that (1) all three network measures are significantly and invariably associated with both happiness and life satisfaction in Korea and, however, (2) only number of social support ties is related to happiness and life satisfaction in China. That is, neither name nor position generator is related to any of the two well-being measures in China. In conclusion, the results inform that social support is more robustly related to subjective well-being than general social network measures. Further, it is likely that cross-national variation exists in the degree of interrelationship between objective network structure and supportive ties.