Social Inclusion, Body and Identity in Multiculturalism Contexts. the Impact of Football on the Integration of Foreign Asylum Seekers

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 17:45
Oral Presentation
Loredana TALLARITA, University Kore of Enna, Italy
Football can be considered an amazing space of opportunity to built a cultural identity because it allows young immigrants to get out of isolation and to socialize with the youth of the host country. Football is the most popular sport in the world and it is the dream of many yang foreigners living in developing countries. It is a social integration tool that can facilitates mutual knowledge, allows the diversity and the uniqueness; to raise awareness of the rules; of companions and opponents and facilitates the building of self-consciousness, cultural identity and body. Socialization pathways and co-operation between italian youth and immigrant people evolve inside the football team and consciously mature, despite cultural and ethnic differences, the sport improve the concept of brotherhood. Full integration is achieved through the recognition of common values and is not confined to sporting practice itself but flows into continuous relationships with social capital (Putnam 2000, Coleman 1988) of the sports environment.The purpose of the research is to analyze, through a case study (Glaser & Strauss 1967, Yin 2013) identified the Sicily, the effectiveness of educational intervention promoted by sporting practice, related to the social capital circulating around football, in order to understand the potential of this sport: what a possible path to the full integration of immigrants arrived in Sicily from developing countries through football.