Alternatives to the Academic Violence: The Body of the Researcher in the Neoextractivist WORLD

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 10:45
Oral Presentation
Lia VASCONCELOS, New Lisbon University - Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Portugal
The movement of re-allocation of the human body, which characterises our current age of migration, is directly linked with the huge scale of the extractivist activities that, in turn, is connected with the non-renewable conception. The extractivism started to be structured at the Age of Discovery (Acosta, 2016), better known by critical theorists as Age of Concealment (Dilger et al., 2016), and it is worked, here, as any activity that remove large quantities of natural resources beyond the minerals or oil, passing by farming, by fishing, going to the own human body (direct and indirect workforce in slavery condition) as part of natural resource. The perpetuity of the extraction is a rule of capitalist system; of which we are part and in which the mode of production/distribution/consume are associated with the imaginaries of accumulation. The alternatives to the development, and not alternatives development, start by the movement of rethinking its own dominant notion and breaking the old hierarchy between development and underdevelopment. These alternatives search recognize and recover knowledges and worldviews that exist in the different forms of life – rural, urban, tribal, etc., rethinking the dominant notions of poverty and richness, as well as of wisdom – they are transcultural and transdisciplinar movements (D’Ambrosio, 2002). The body of researcher, the role of our production, reproduction, and contradictions, must be renewable through our situationality (Freire, 1970.), facing the disavowal mechanism (Žižek, 2006) developed behind our researches – which inhibiting us from confronting the truth about why are we engaged in research; for whom are we doing it.