Minorities and Identity Facing the Dominant Culture. Joint with AISLF-RC38

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 08:30-10:20
RC14 Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture (host committee)

Language: English and French

There are several minorities in the world who suffer from violence and injustice.

The objective of this session is to study different kinds of minorities and to analyze the reflections and responses they have to counter the rejection they face.

"Minorities" have first to be defined because they have different meanings depending on the country, the social, political or cultural context in which they are used. It depends also on the kind of minorities: ethnic, cultural, linguistic, religious, gendered ... many research angles that require to handle carefully this concept. Minorities are also generally attached to specific values that have a dimension of identity, individual and collective. How could this identity be defined?

This session invites contributions dealing with topics of minorities and identity to explain and analyze how they deal with the dominant culture.

Session Organizer:
Catherine GHOSN, Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, France
Oral Presentations
Vulnerability of Female International Students in the U.S.
Anya HOMMADOVA, University of Tsukuba, Japan
When the Ideological Minority Eclipse the Identity and Linguistic Majorities
Yassine AKHIATE, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Kingdom Of Morocco, Morocco; Mohamed BENDAHAN, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Kingdom Of Morocco, Morocco
Symbolic Boundary Making Among Syrian Refugees in Belgium: Moral Deservingness, Education and Cultural Merits
Robin VANDEVOORDT, University of Antwerp, Belgium; Gert VERSCHRAEGEN, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Gendered Discourse Strategies in Facebook Interaction during Electoral Campaigns
Daniela ROVENTA-FRUMUSANI, Bucharest University, Romania; Alexandra IRIMESCU, Bucharest University, Romania
Colective Boundaries and Ethnoracial Repertoires in Contemporary Brazil
Nuno OLIVEIRA, ISCTE Lisbon University Institute, Portugal
Distributed Papers
When the Ideological Minority Eclipse the Identity and Linguistic Majorities (Case of Moroccan media)
Yassine AKHIATE, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Kingdom Of Morocco, Morocco; Mohamed BENDAHAN, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Kingdom Of Morocco, Morocco