Current Research in Comparative Sociology. Part I

Monday, 16 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC20 Comparative Sociology (host committee)

Language: English

This session will include papers in all areas of comparative sociology.
Session Organizer:
Stephen VERTIGANS, Robert Gordon University, United Kingdom
Oral Presentations
Minority Status - an Overlooked Source of Continuing European Identity. Evidence from the Issp Surveys 1995, 2003, and 2013.
Markus HADLER, University of Graz, Austria; Lynn CHIN, Washington and Lee University, USA; Kiyoteru TSUTSUI, University of Michigan / Ann Arbor, USA
Distributed Papers
National Myth Busters: The Most Important British and Australians, Living or Dead
Bruce TRANTER, University of Tasmania, Australia; Jed DONOGHUE, TSA / UTAS, Australia
Comparing 16 Energy Living Labs across 8 Countries: Methodological Challenges, Limits and Hazards
Laure DOBIGNY, University of Geneva, Switzerland; Marlyne SAHAKIAN, University of Geneva, Switzerland