Re-Imagining the Anthropocene

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 08:30-10:20
RC24 Environment and Society (host committee)

Language: English

The need to mitigate and adapt to environmental change demands numerous changes in social organization and institutions. Urban development, production and consumption, transport networks, conservation, resource governance etc. must all be re-thought. The inevitability of profound environmental and social change also raises a number of questions for sociologists. What role do Anthropocene narratives play in mobilizing responses to environmental change? How do other ideas like sustainable development and resilience shape those responses? Who’s interests are prioritized or, conversely, marginalized in strategies emerging to address global environmental change? Can responses to environmental change reduce social inequality? Is it possible to ‘do sociology’ in a manner that facilitates positive and transformative adaptation to environmental change? Is it possible, in short, to (re)imagine the Anthropocene? This session welcomes papers that engage critically, and creatively, with Anthropocene narratives and the role sociology might play (or indeed does play) in environmental justice and sustainable development.
Session Organizer:
Stewart LOCKIE, James Cook University, Australia
Oral Presentations
From a Fisherman to a Migrant: The Devastating Impact of Saemangeum Project on Life of a Fisherman
Soyun KANG, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea; Sun-Jin YUN, Seoul National University, South Korea