Exploring the Gender Dimensions of Contemporary Social Politics

Monday, 16 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC19 Sociology of Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy (host committee)

Language: English

The session turns the spotlight on the gender dimensions of contemporary political and economic changes, with particular reference to changes in power, politics and policies.  Ongoing transformations, such as deindustrialization, technological advancement, welfare state cut-backs, globalization and environmental change, have had differential implications for people and groups.   Conflicts persist and new challenges have emerged, among them rising inequalities, dislocations and cultural and political backlashes.
Session Organizers:
Mary DALY, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, Margarita ESTEVEZ-ABE, Syracuse University, USA, Aleksandra KANJUO-MRČELA, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and Rianne MAHON, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Oral Presentations
Right-Wing Populism, Gender, and Social Policies in Hungary and Poland
Dorota SZELEWA, University College Dublin, Ireland