Intergenerational Relations and the Welfare State

Saturday, 21 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC19 Sociology of Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy (host committee)

Language: English

What is the significance of inequalities between generations when related to the broader normative landscape of social justice, future societies and the welfare state? How are countries responding to vulnerabilities appearing in different stages of human life? Are some social policy strategies better equipped to promote generational equity than others? Do some age-groups benefit increasingly from the welfare state and enjoy better protection than others? What are the conditions for welfare states to enhance solidarity and promote equality in outcomes across generations in a sustainable way? How can welfare states be designed to reduce the likelihood of generational conflict and distributional trade-offs? These are all examples of questions that deserve increased attention in periods of population aging and major structural change. In this session we welcome papers that bring intergenerational relations into the study of welfare states, social policy, and vulnerability. Papers may either be quantitative in nature – exploring new types of data or analytical techniques – or more qualitative in nature – discussing various theoretical aspects related to intergenerational equity. Both comparative and single country studies are welcome.

Session Organizers:
Kenneth NELSON, Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University, Sweden and Joakim PALME, Uppsala University, Sweden
Oral Presentations
From Inter-Generational Conflict to Intra-Generational Inequality: How States Are Financialising Life-Course Risks across Generations
Ben SPIES-BUTCHER, Macquarie University, Australia; Gareth BRYANT, University of Sydney, Australia; Adam STEBBING, Macquarie University, Australia
The Unequal Impact of the Crisis By Age: An Analysis Based on National Transfer Accounts
Guadalupe SOUTO, Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, Spain; Giorgos PAPADOMICHELAKIS, PhD student, Spain; Concepció PATXOT, Associate, Spain; Elisenda RENTERIA, Centre for Demographic Studies, Spain; Meritxell SOLE, Researcher, Spain
Intergenerational Care and Welfare State Evolution: A Matthew Effect?
Matteo LUPPI, Collegio Carlo ALberto, Italy; Tiziana NAZIO, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany
Redistribution in the Welfare State: Between Income Groups or between Age-Groups?
Róbert Iván GAL, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Hungary; Marton MEDGYESI, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Distributed Papers
Social Inequalities and Transfers between Generations: An Analysis across 116 European Regions
Martina BRANDT, TU Dortmund, Germany; Christian DEINDL, University of Cologne, Germany
Age-Based Attitudes Towards State Welfare for the Elderly: Setting Conditions for the Intergenerational Contract
Maša FILIPOVIČ HRAST, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Tatjana RAKAR, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Mi Ah SCHOYEN, Oslo & Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway; Bjorn HVINDEN, Oslo Metropolitan University (OSLOMET), Norway
The Jobs (F)Act: Marginalisation Processes and Flexicurity in Italy
Lara MAESTRIPIERI, IGOP/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Antonio FIRINU, University of Cagliari, Italy
The Implementation of Work Conditionality : A Swiss Case Study
Jean-Pierre TABIN, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Switzerland; Anne PERRIARD, University of Geneva, Switzerland