Ubiquitous Images and Collective Video Practices in the Public Sphere
Ubiquitous Images and Collective Video Practices in the Public Sphere
Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 08:30-10:20
RC57 Visual Sociology (host committee) Language: English and Spanish
The relationship between activism, photography and video-making is constantly changing, specially since audiovisual tools are more and more accessible and contents can be uploaded and disseminated online.
This session will focus on the uses, appropriations and resignifications of photography and video-making in the public sphere, both online and offline, in the hands of citizens, social movements and art organizations.
This is proposed as a regular session with 3-5 videos and photo-essays (depending on the number and quality of submissions). These will have to be screened (but only partially if they exceed the 15 minutes) in order to facilitate the successive debate.
The length of the session will be 110 minutes.
Session Organizer:
Oral Presentations