Warfare, Distance and Civilizing Processes Part II

Monday, 16 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC56 Historical Sociology (host committee)

Language: English

see Part I
Session Organizers:
Ilan LEW, University of Geneve, Switzerland and Dieter REICHER, University of Graz, Austria
Oral Presentations
Visualizing Violence in Contemporary Film : A Regression of "the Civilizing Process"?
Farida GADELHAK, Cairo University , Faculty of Arts, Egypt
From the Distant Crusades to 'local' 'islamic Terrorism' – from European Civilizing Processes to a Contemporary Western De-Civilizing Process?
Lars Bo KASPERSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; Norman GABRIEL,, Plymouth University, United Kingdom
Facing an Empty Battlefield: (Re)Creating Physical Proximity through Close Order Drill in the French Infantry (1870-1918)
Jean-Philippe MILLER-TREMBLAY, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), France