Immigration and Populist Politics

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 17:30-19:20
RC31 Sociology of Migration (host committee)

Language: English

Recent elections in the USA, the UK, across Europe, and elsewhere have resulted in victories for populist politicians riding – and indeed fomenting – waves of anti-immigrant sentiment.  Yet this trend is by no means universal.  An historical view also suggests it is not irreversible.  Insofar as populist politics leads to ethically dubious policy outcomes, questions along the following lines seem pertinent and significant: why does populism (in connection with immigration) take root in some places but not others?  What factors lead to the overcoming of populist movements’ dominance?  What (if anything) do answers to these questions tell us about future directions for countries where populism is currently dominant?
Session Organizer:
David BARTRAM, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Oral Presentations
Absence of Anti-Immigrant Populism in Japan
Hideki TARUMOTO, Waseda University, Japan
Public Opinion and Migration Processes in Europe
Natalia NEMIROVA, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
Inclusion Versus Exclusion: Framing Spanish Media Discourse on the Access to Health of Irregular Migrants
Sonia PARELLA RUBIO, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain; Anahi VILADRICH, Queens College of the City University of New York, CUNY, USA
Europa: Una Visión Policíaca De La Inmigración
Mario XIQUES, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina