Social Exclusion in Comparative Perspective: Migration, Policy, and Power

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC19 Sociology of Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy (host committee)

Language: English

Issues of social exclusion are intimately related to concepts of justice and power. In an era of ascendant neoliberalism some countries are making efforts to promote universalism. However, this universalism is often extended to nationals and only sometimes to residents and other migrants. This session welcomes contributions that examine how social exclusion is manifested and received: both at the policy and the group and individual levels, across methodological approaches. In doing so, this session seeks to draw attention to the possibly contradictory forces of neoliberalism and universalism and how they are related, conceptually and substantively, to questions of justice and power in an increasingly globalizing world. 

Session Organizers:
Shiri NOY, University of Wyoming, USA and Koen VOOREND, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Costa Rica
Oral Presentations
Interrogating Social Exclusion and Inclusion among Syrian Refugee Youth in Ontario
Luann GOOD GINGRICH, York University, Canada; Naomi LIGHTMAN, University of Calgary, Canada
Caring in the Midst Exclusion/Inclusion: Care Provision and Survival Among Haitian Migrant Domestic Workers in the DR
Masaya LLAVANERAS BLANCO, Wilfrid Laurier University - Balsillie School of International Affairs, Canada
Supporting Settlement: Balancing Obligations with ‘Putting Australia First’
Ciara SMYTH, Social Policy Research Centre, Australia; Ilan KATZ, Social Policy Research Centre, Australia
Social Protection for Migrant Workers in the Developmental Welfare State: The Case of Low Skilled Workers in Korea
Huck-Ju KWON, Gradatue School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea; Ju Ryung CHO, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul Naitonal University, South Korea