Disaster Research: Methods, Innovations, and Challenges in the Field

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC39 Sociology of Disasters (host committee)

Language: English

Although social science field research presents many challenges and opporutnities common across topic, disaster researchers arguably encounter some situtations unique to this area of study. Papers presented in this session may tackle such issues as ongoing ethical debates, innovations in field techniques, research funding, balancing advocacy and applied practice with scientific research, and strategies for engaging in research during times of crisis or in disater-impacted environments, among others. Case studies and examples from the systematic research projects are welcomed in order to illustrate these and other methodolocial issues.
Session Organizer:
Tricia WACHTENDORF, University of Delaware, USA
Oral Presentations
The Ethics of Quick-Response Disaster Research
James KENDRA, University of Delaware, USA
Western Questions and Devout Silence – on Researching Disasters in Highly Religious Settings
Daniel F. LORENZ, Disaster Research Unit (DRU), Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany; Cordula DITTMER, Disaster Research Unit (DRU), Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany
The Role and Potential of Participatory Investigation: Photovoice of Women Affected By the Great East Japan Disaster
Mieko YOSHIHAMA, University of Michigan, USA; Tomoko YUNOMAE, PhotoVoice Project, Japan
Conducting Survey Research on Refugee Populations. Methodological and Ethical Challenges.
Theoni STATHOPOULOU, National Centre for Social Research- EKKE, Greece
Causal Inference Techniques in Disaster Recovery Research: New Kids on the Corner
Shigeo TATSUKI, Doshisha University, Japan; Anna MATSUKAWA, Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institute, Japan; Fuminori KAWAMI, Graduate School of Sociology, Doshisha University, Japan