Women's Transparency: Invisible Mechanisms of Gendered and Racialized Injustices in Israel.

Monday, 16 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
TG03 Human Rights and Global Justice (host committee)
RC32 Women in Society

Language: English

This panel will focus on professional Jewish and Palestinian women in Israel who have acquired symbolic and cultural capital in various hegemonic fields of power, thereby challenging the patriarchal and colonial orders. We will identify hidden power mechanisms that create and reify injustices, as well as the limitations and opportunities women endorse to resist such mechanisms.

Dr. Sarab Abu-Rabia-Queder will expose the mechanisms that create a paradox of marginality among middle-class Palestinian professional women in Israel through an intersectional analysis of their everyday professional life.

Dr. Yael Ben David will underscore how discursive practices are used to create gendered hierarchies of knowledge in dialogue groups of young Jewish Israelis when politics are discussed.

Dr. Hadas Cohen will present the case of Tali Fahima, a Jewish Israeli woman accused of treason during the Second Intifada, to demonstrate how discursive circulation of certain notions of citizenship, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality is used to produce and regulate the image of the “loyal citizen.”

Nahed Sharari will examine the mechanisms of the colonial-religious alliance that impose by replication patriarchal rule over Muslim women, by examining the case of a religious feminist Muslim organization founded in the late 1990’s.

Session Organizers:
Yael BEN DAVID, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel and Sarab ABU-RABIA, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Oral Presentations
The Biopolitics of Declassing Professional Women in a Settler-Colonial Context
Sarab ABU-RABIA, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Gendering Treason - the Making of a Loyal Israeli Citizen
Hadas COHEN, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
The Challenges of Islamic Feminism Among Muslim Women in Israel
Nahed SHRARY, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Talking Politics: The Delimitation of the ‘Political’ As a Gendered Disciplinary Mechanism in Intra-Group Dialogue Among Young Israelis.
Yael BEN DAVID, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; Orly IDAN, Interdisciplinary Center Herzlia (IDC), Israel