Aging and the Print Media

Saturday, 21 July 2018: 14:30-16:20
RC11 Sociology of Aging (host committee)

Language: English

Despite the growing use of the Internet and in addition to the enduring popularity of broadcast media forms such as movies and television, print media forms persist in their relevance and widespread use.  Scholars interested in aging have long examined the (under)representations of older adults in the print media, and have often analyzed the implications of both negative and positive portrayals of aging in magazines and newspapers.

Aiming to continue in this tradition as well as to expand its parameters, this session welcomes papers investigating any element of the relationship between aging and the print media as broadly defined – thus aging not only in relation to magazines, newspapers and books, but also aging as related to such print media formats as greeting cards or comics. Thematic content analyses of these media are welcomed, but also encouraged are less common approaches to the subject (e.g., involving audience reception or visual methods) or papers that focus on understudied and/or marginalized populations (e.g., racialized, LGBTQ or faith-based communities, or those who are aging with disabilities).

Session Organizer:
Dana SAWCHUK, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Annette NIEROBISZ, Carleton College, USA
Oral Presentations
Migration and Elderly Care: An Ethics of Care-Informed Study of Media Representations
Sandra TORRES, Uppsala University, Dept. of Sociology, Sweden; Jonas LINDBLOM, Malardalen University, Sweden
Older Women's Reading(s) of Women's Magazines
Dana SAWCHUK, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Portrayals of LGBTQ Older Adults in Canadian Newspapers and Popular Magazines
Laura HURD CLARKE, The University of British Columbia, Canada; Suzanne NG, School of Kinesiology, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Cheers Lads! Nursing Homes for Older People with Substance Use Disorder in Swedish Print Media
Håkan JÖNSON, Lund University, School of Social Work, Sweden; Tove HARNETT, Lund University, School of Social Work, Sweden
See more of: RC11 Sociology of Aging
See more of: Research Committees