Family Ties and Aging in Changing and Challenging Times
Family Ties and Aging in Changing and Challenging Times
Thursday, 19 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC11 Sociology of Aging (host committee) Language: English
Invited Session. Five papers will take a critical approach to trends in family ties in mid- and later life and their connection to challenging social, political and economic realities in several Western countries. Continuity and change in partnering, family formation and relationship dissolution across the life course are explored and related to other social trends. Particular attention is paid to changing intimate ties in mid- and later life including same-sex relationships, alternatives to marriage and their implications for securing personal and economic security; shifting demands for familial support and capacities to provide it; and the negotiation of informal and formal support from both public and private sources.
Session Organizer:
Oral Presentations