Intergenerational Indigenous Inequality in Colonial Nation States

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC05 Racism, Nationalism, Indigeneity and Ethnicity (host committee)

Language: English

Intergenerational transfer of social inequalities is the common experience of the colonised Indigenous peoples of first world nation states such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. The constant of official statistics of these nations is the heavy over-representation of  Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Maori, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, Alaskan Natives, First Nations Metis, Saami and Ainu peoples on all measures of disadvantage including: poverty unemployment, criminal justice system engagement, mortality and morbidity; child health; low education rates.

These indicators of social, cultura, political and economic inequality continue almost unchanged despite the long line of  formal inquiries into the welfare of Indigenous peoples instituted in these nations such as the 1996 Canadian Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples or the 2000 Australian Government Inquiry into Indigenous health.  

This session will encourage papers that address the topic, empirically and theoretically, of intergenerational Indigenous cultural, political and economic inequality within coloniser nation states. Within this broader topic, the session will emphasise discussion of not only intergenerational effects on Indigenous peoples but on alternative narratives of Indigenous futures. This is not a call to a return to deficit research but rather is the opportunity to provide Indigenous-centred perspectives and solutions.

The aim is to have the session present a series of papers that address the Forum’s theme of the Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities within the context of Indigenous intergenerational inequality.

Session Organizers:
Margaret WALTER, University of Tasmania, Australia and Tracey MCINTOSH, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Oral Presentations
Education for Reconciliation: Confronting the Challenge of Residential Schooling and Its Intergenerational Impact in Canada
Terry WOTHERSPOON, University of Saskatchewan, Canada; Emily MILNE, MacEwan University, Canada
Doing Time in the Colonized City: Indigenous Youth Solidarities in the ‘Vivid Present’
Joanna KIDMAN, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand