Critical Environmental Sociologies of the Just Transition
Critical Environmental Sociologies of the Just Transition
Friday, 20 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC24 Environment and Society (host committee) Language: English
A critical but practical environmental sociology of a just and viable transition to a post-carbon economy remains under-developed. We hope to see interventions that can draw together or analyze points of tension in transition thinking as well as possible points of synthesis and engagement between emerging critical approaches to transitions influenced by political ecology, political economy, feminist, post structuralist, indigenous & post-colonial perspectives, environmental and labor justice, critical design studies and redirective practice with more mainstream approaches to transition emerging out of social practice theory, actor-network theory, innovation theory, evolutionary economics, technology innovation management theory and STS, ecological modernization, green social democracy, the environmental war economy, and so on. Where are such approaches in tension? What can they learn from each other? We welcome pieces on labor/environmental/feminist/
Co-organizers: Timmons Roberts, Damian White, David Ciplet
Session Organizers:
Oral Presentations