Gender Based Violence in Global South: Issues and Challenges
Gender Based Violence in Global South: Issues and Challenges
Friday, 20 July 2018: 17:30-19:20
TG03 Human Rights and Global Justice (host committee) Language: English
Gender-based violence is now recognized as a crucially important dimension of wider gender injustice and gendered power relations in all societies of the world. However, gender-based violence varies according to geographic scale as well as a range of other causal and contextual processes. In broader understanding of the term, all violence is inherently gendered, and men can be victims as well as perpetrators of violence; however, it is essential to recognize that women and men experience violence and conflict in different ways, as victims and as perpetrators, and for different reasons. Gender-based violence is not only “social” in nature, as is usually assumed, but it can be a form of political, institutional and economic violence. In turn, it is difficult to separate out what we can call “everyday violence”, linked to delinquency, robbery, drug-related violence and intra-family violence, and that are heavily concentrated in the global South, from the political violence of armed conflict. The manifestations of all these types of violence are underpinned by prevailing gender ideologies and identities that have long been known to vary across place and space. This session will explore the nature of gender-based violence in the global South. It will further highlight various underlying causes of gender-based violence, which may be rooted in patriarchal relations that are ubiquitous across place; but may also have certain “triggers” or “risks” that can lead to variations in the nature of gender based violence in specific regions.
Session Organizer:
Oral Presentations