Diagnostic Cultures. Part I

Friday, 20 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC49 Mental Health and Illness (host committee)

Language: English

The session discussion focuses on the meaning and relevance of the concept of ‘diagnostic cultures’ on a theoretical as well as an empirical level. Contributions might focus on the historical development in the numbers and content of psychiatric diagnosis and its assumed connection with the development of social structures, norms and demands. They might focus on user organizations and professional organizations as actors in the development and they might focus on political and professional discourses as well as the development in common sense understanding and definition of the problems.
Session Organizer:
Kjeld HOGSBRO, Aalborg University, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Denmark
Oral Presentations
Is There a School Culture Promoting the Classification of Students Under ADHD Category?
Marie-Christine BRAULT, Chaire de recherche sur les conditions de vie, la santé, l'adaptation et les aspirations des jeunes (VISAJ), Canada
Between Natural Kinds and Non-Kinds: A Review of Current Psychiatric Stakeholders’ Views on Mental Illness and Treatment
Dirk RICHTER, Bern University, Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Switzerland