Fertility and Religion

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 17:30-19:20
RC41 Sociology of Population (host committee)

Language: English

Religion is both a belief system and a principle mode of social organization, distinguishing one social group from another. Fertility is an individual decision, but also a social process whereby groups reproduce themselves. What is the relation between these two central social phenomena? Is religious affiliation related to fertility through the belief system governing action, or is the driving mechanism that of group affiliation, with belief systems translating the imperatives of membership into principles of action? The view will be both historical as well as contemporaneous, comparing societies over time and space in an attempt to generate a fruitful debate on the topic.
Session Organizer:
Jonathan ANSON, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Oral Presentations
Parochialism and Fertility Related Legislation – Insights Form a Religion Sensitive Analysis of the Israeli Surrogacy and Egg-Donation Laws
Nitzan RIMON-ZARFATY, Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), Germany
The Multi-Dimensions of Religion on Contraceptive Use in Nigeria
Iyobosa OBOBAIFO, UNIVERSITY OF BENIN, Nigeria; Oluwatosin DAWODU, University of Benin,Benin City, Nigeria
The Influence of a Religious Socialization of People on Fertility in Modern Russia
Svetlana SIVOPLYASOVA, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russian Federation; Evgenia SIGAREVA, Institute of Siciopolitical Researches RAS, Russia