Transnational Flow of Ideas in National Policy Making in the Global South

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 17:30-19:20
RC18 Political Sociology (host committee)

Language: English and French

Policy studies have traditionally concentrated on the analysis of national and local levels (Stone 2008). Only very recently (since the mid-2000s), a concern emerged about the arbitrariness of this geographic focus in times of globalization and trans-national flows (Clarke 2012; Healey 2013; Roy 2011). This enlargement of concern accounts for the changed reality of policy making which issues are often beyond national scales and require coordination efforts between different states (e.g. maritime and environmental preservation, green-gas emissions, water management, migration, disasters, trade, crime prevention and security studies). Furthermore since the 1990s, international organizations, partnerships and associations (e.g. United Nations, World Bank, City Alliance, C 80, ICLEI) have become increasingly important policy influences (see for a review of global policy, Deardorff Miller 2014). Consequently, we witness the parallel development of trans-nationalization of problems and decision making.

In this context, a deeper understanding is required of the mechanisms of international and transnational policy making and the mobility of policy concepts, innovations and experts (De Francesco 2013). This new sparking interest in transnational policy analysis has concentrated, with a few notable exceptions, on the Global North (e.g. King 2003, Miraftab 2009, Haynes & Rao 2013). The panel proposes to analyse the trans-nationality of policy making in countries of the Global South. Contributions aim at unfolding the various scales of influences and decision-making in national policy making. Contributions should unearth the complex interrelatedness of “travelling” policy ideas and tools, their underlying discussion, involved people and on-ground effects of their implementation.

Session Organizer:
Anthony BOANADA-FUCHS, St Gallen Institute of Management Latin America, Brazil
Oral Presentations
Setting a Research Agenda on International Trading of Political Capital and High Level Experts
Palash KAMRUZZAMAN, University of South Wales, United Kingdom; Andrew THOMPSON, University of South Wales, United Kingdom
The Conflictive Travels of Green Municipal Bonds. Comparative Perspectives on the Expansion of Financial Markets to Southern Cities
Monika GRUBBAUER, HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany; Hanna HILBRANDT, HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany
Dissemination and Translation of Public Policies for Rural Development in Mercosur
Catia GRISA, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil, Brazil
See more of: RC18 Political Sociology
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