Social Risks of the International Youth Migration

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC31 Sociology of Migration (host committee)

Language: English

The present session addresses the study of social risks of international migration and welcomes contributions focusing on young people who constitute the core of migration flows. 

Despite the high mobility and adaptability, compared to other age groups young people have little social, cultural and economic capital, which is largely due to the often complicated socio-economic situation of donor countries.

In many recipient countries young migrants face the problem of social integration in its cultural, structural, interactional and identity dimensions. In addition to the lack of capital the social integration of migrants encounters a number of barriers: institutional (contradictory and restrictive nature of migration policies and legislation, drawbacks of law enforcement practice concerning the rights of migrants, the widespread corruption among controlling agencies in many countries, speculation on the topic of migration in political  and media discourses), interactive (discriminatory actions of the host population, including radical anti-migrant social movements) and cultural (the xenophobia of the host population, ethnocentrists and racist biases).

The lack of capital and barriers to the integration of young migrants lead to the emergence of new social inequalities in economy, education, social welfare (in particular health), housing, culture, and politics. New social inequalities are manifested in the form of  ethnic stratification, segregation, and marginalization. This situation enhances social risks affecting all participants of the migration process: the migrants themselves, the host communities and the donor societies.

Session Organizers:
Olga BORODKINA, Saint Petersburg University, Russian Federation and Alexander TAVROVSKIY, Saint Petersburg University, Russian Federation
Oral Presentations
Immigrant Youth Unemployment of Different Religion Affiliations in Canada
Eric FONG, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Kumiko SHIBUYA, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Insecure Legal Status and Work: Failed Asylum Iraqi-Kurdish Applicants in the UK
Janroj Yilmaz KELES, Middlesex University, United Kingdom; Eugenia Markova MARKOVA, Brighton Business School, United Kingdom
Immigrants’ Sons: Power, Violence and Resistance in an Urban Context
Andrea SOUTO, University of A Coruña, Spain; Carlos DIZ, University of A Coruña, Spain