3.7 The audiovisual narrative and school discipline in the conflict of values: Violence, discrimination and intolerance

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: 10:30 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Rosario Olivia Izaguirre Fierro ROSARIO OLIVIA IZAGUIRRE FIERRO , Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad autónoma de Sinaloa, México, Culiacán, Sinaloa, México, Mexico
The audiovisual narrative and school discipline in the conflict of values: violence, discrimination and intolerance

 Narratives interpreted from the language of the discipline require a journey of experiences that intertwine the social world and the orientation of living. In this reason, the educational event and school discipline is a platform to display the values ​​in friction with paradoxes: of modernity, development and progress, global, individual and immediate pleasures. Thus, the problematic scenario emerges in the encounter of different languages ​​disciplinary norms that permeate the school, family and the context involved in educational human experiences between educational levels and social.

 The approach to the temporality of narrative events from hermeneutics to interpret disciplinary experiences, the effects of violence, discrimination and intolerance issued in the school environment. This entails putting the exercise to education from the institution and the figure of the teacher in his proposal to act as a weaver of the configuration of the student as a social subject. Thus, the classroom becomes a stage of human experience from the experiences of cultural and political universe, the professor at: confront-propose (the Dead Poets Society, The Choir, Goodbye Mr. Schips, Professor Holland); indifference (Violet Perfume), Violent (the Wave), critic, proposed classroom interaction and conflict discrimination and intolerance (Class).

Keywords: narrative, discipline, values, Professor