31.1 Salud, envejecimiento y migración Mexico-estados unidos: Una aproximación desde el curso de vida

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: 9:00 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Distributed Paper
Verónica MONTES DE OCA ZAVALA , Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F., Mexico
Rogelio SÁENZ , College of Public Policy, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
The international migration in Mexico is an old phenomenon with great implications in the rural and urban families. Additionally the aging process is a concern given the large amounts of population entering this life stage, specially for the health and care issues these represent to the individuals and cares givers, being those families, communities or the public and private institutions dedicated to these matters. These issues complicate even further when the elder belong to transnational families then the concerns are for both nations. This is a widespread matter among the migrant families that transit between Mexico and the United States. The aim of this paper is to identify the strategies and mechanisms that the families of Mexican origin, develop in both sides of the border to tend the needs of their seniors. We focus especially on the physical and mental health issues. The methodology used in this paper is a mixed one, which uses: qualitative and quantitative techniques based upon data basis and interviews to the members of the transnational families. Some findings show a combination between local and transnational strategies in the members of families in México and United States. Some children characteristics determine the strategies for healthcare in the older parents: gender, age, place of residence, migration condition, and socioeconomic status. Other characteristics very important are the functionality, type of disease, treatment and health status of the older parents.