Friday, August 3, 2012: 1:36 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Young people historically have been crossed by his condition of subalternity. Atestingfor our social history demonstrates that the student mobilizations simultaneouslythat have helped to generate social own conscience have paid a high cost in youngblood. There is a two faced argument about young people: they are the promise of thefuture as well as violent criminals who threaten “social peace”. The extensive fear towhich the young people commit homicides does not condice with the facts and statisticsbut it does prevail as axis to justify the social view of dangerousness. There a socialspeech sublies which tries to be imposed as truth establishing a sense of the doxa: theimage of the secondary juvenile thing since delincuencial has deep roots in our socialcounterfoil. In this work, on the one hand I will support the need and the relevancyof historizing the social look , enclosing racism, who has constructed respect of theyoung people themselves, as social category, which is reinforced in contexts of strongdifferentiation and inequality. At the same time, I will detain in the analysis of a seriesof results of groups interviews made to students of secondary education of the provinceof Buenos Aires, in Argentina, which allow to understand the dynamic social cause ofthe estigmatization and the exclusion and to interpret the symbolic effects on the autoestigmatization and autoexclusion of the young people. I will contribute a series ofdimensions to think about the political formation in the school life from the subjectiveexperiences of the consulted young people.