15.3 Regularization of informal settlements in Latin America. Reflections on access and tenure of housing and urban land - Findings from the LAHN project

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: 9:22 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
María Mercedes DI VIRGILIO , UBA-CONICET, Argentina
María Soledad ARQUEROS MEJICA , CONICET / IIGG-FCS-UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tomás GUEVARA , CONICET / IIGG-FCS-UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
This paper delves into different forms of access and tenure of housing and urban land in informal settlements in Latin American countries vis a vis the implementation of regularization policies in these settlements. To this end, on the first hand, this paper analyzes the main mechanisms of accessing and tenure of housing and urban land and, on the other hand, it analyzes the scenario of the implementation of regularization policies in informal settlements in countries in Latin America in the last decade, their normative framework and the institutional arrangement they rely on for their implementation.