of any other worldwide process, is it still the best option? Pre-recession major charges against globalization included (1) rich
becoming richer, poor poorer; poverty and unemployment, (2) the centre and periphery of ‘modern world system ‘ model was not much changing,(3) violence against people, property and environment was increasing. Unifying the world by economic integration was not without criticism. When crisis occurred, skeptics became doomsayers.
With leading ideas including those of Jagdish Bhagwati and Joseph Stiglitz, this paper discusses globalization with promises, pitfalls, touches ‘defense’ when crisis was round the corner, and reviews rescue operation – bail outs, other things.
Krugman sees return of ‘economic maladies’ of the Great Depression during recession which in the wake of Euro zone crisis and Euro zone division pose threats to democracy. In his view, only sociology can explain the ‘social dynamics’ behind the crisis, perhaps destruction of globalization. In the quest of democratic future, from this vantage point the paper moves to its main theme of what is in the store of future, particularly the chance of human society as a democratic system based on social justice. Among phenomena, ‘occupy movement’, ‘civil society and its variations’, and visualization ‘real utopias’, ‘the idea of a third system’ help the thematic understanding to reach to the viability of a future society different from earlier social formations.It concludes that present thought devises ‘global justice’ as a potent approach to a better future which is perhaps viable.