506.2 Adaptive model as interpreter of multiple realities of complex social systems

Friday, August 3, 2012: 11:05 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Juan Carlos PEREZ DURAN , Maestria en Gestion Educativa Estrategica, Universidad del Altiplano, Tlaxcala, Mexico
This paper proposes a scheme of evaluation of observables and structure of variables integration and categories associated with adaptive system model. This shows the possibilities for the analysis of the representations and social practices of students and teachers to the use of new information technologies in their academic work. The scheme of valuation of the observable ones and categories faces the challenge of establishing codes derived from the vision and academic experience that there have the investigators who take part in the analysis as well as define a theoretical body established in the genetic Epistemology that of consistency and it allows to explain the behaviors. In addition to considering the assessment of the observable proposed by each investigator, the methodology establishes criteria for establishing such codes democratization assessment of the proposals from researchers and experts involved in the academic experience.

In the first part, the article presents the academic problem and the challenges of conceptualization and integration of the theory of representations and practices social Moscovicci and Piaget's genetic epistemology as part of a Cyberculture. In the second part, describes the configuration of the adaptive system that takes into account the possibilities for democratization from which sets out criteria for assessing the academic activity.