With this backdrop, the study investigates how is social network structure (composition of actors, power relations within the network) associated with policy positions related to India’s climate change during 2007-2010? Moreover, the study examines the degree of differences in the structure and content of national policy and networks output related to policy outcomes with particular reference to National Action Plan on Climate Change.
The theoretical perspective of the study follows environmental governance along with epistemic community approach and organizational state perspective in particular. The study is based on qualitative methodology and the main data collection methods were in-depth interviews of key informants, literature review of policy papers and content analysis of newspaper and web articles.
The study concludes that there are several long-term, unsolved governance issues which hinder the potentials of the national climate change action plan. The overall governance crisis involves inadequate participation of actors, top-down approach of policy making, disputes between different actors and stakeholders, and poor policy and law enforcement guidelines.