527.2 Conflict analysis using complexity sciences tools

Friday, August 3, 2012: 12:45 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
José María LEZCANO , Grupo de Estudio de la Complejidad en la Sociedad de la Información -GECSI-, Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
Conflict analysis using complexity sciences tools


Jose M. Lezcano 1 and A. N. Proto 1, 2

1 GECSI, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, UNLP

2Laboratorio de Sistemas Complejos

Facultad de Ingenieria , Universidad de Buenos Aires

josemlezcano@gmail.com / aproto@fi.uba.ar

The social impact of the ICT established new forms of relationship among individuals, goverments, enterprises; not only between these three levels interactions but also inside each group. The Information Society dynamics and its impact in society require to appeal to new paradigms. One of them is accepting that IS behaves as a complex system (CS). One of the key characteristics of CS is to be prone to give rise to surprising, large-scale, seemingly uncontrollable, behaviors. Or, in other words, to unforeseen behaviors which introduce uncertainty and risk as two novel ingredients in daily life. Even not being the sole factors, uncertainty and risk are responsible of an increase in stress and conflicts in human interactions. The present contribution is centered in conflict analysis using a dynamic and nonlinear Agent-based or Multi-agent Model (MAS). In computerized, MAS simulations, agents could be individuals, families, organizations, etc. Each agent obeys particular decision rules and interacts nonlinearly with each other and with the environment. The simulated results can shed light about how a particular conflict can evolved, avoiding routes which can lead to disruptive situations, choosing those one which reduce the conflict level of the problem under analysis.