These so called Brand Communities (BCs) play a vital and essential role in the construction of brands and brand cultures. Hence, they are taking part in value creation processes of firms – they are co-creators of brand value. This results in great chances for companies on the one hand, but also implicates risks that have to be taken seriously on the other hand. Companies have to accept the role of BCs in value creation processes and learn to integrate these communities more actively into these processes in order to create competitive advantages and increase performance. It can be assumed that this is a great challenge for companies, especially because the landscape of the BC online-scene in the automotive area is supposed to be a very heterogeneous field and different (types of) BCs need to be treated differently.
This paper aims to take the heterogeneity of the field, the positive and negative consequences of BCs for companies, and the differences that arise of this collective phenomenon (in comparison to individual consumers) into account and tends to develop a typology of online-based BCs in the automotive sector. This typology will be based on theoretical concepts (Community and Brand Community Research, Service-Dominant Logic, Relationship Marketing) and empirical research (the data was collected through a quantitative online-survey and netnography of 50 (German speaking) BCs in the automotive sector).