343.6 Doxa conquest and inequalities state policy in indigenous communities

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 3:45 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Oral Presentation
Daniel GUTIÉRREZ-MARTÍNEZ , Sociology, El Colegio Mexiquense a.c., Mexico City, Mexico
Through the conceptual proposal of the Doxa conquest; we analyze the reproduction of the socio-educational inequalities and racisms in the indigenous communities in Mexico in the last 500 years of history, since the republican education particularly in the pedagogical materials.  So with this we can see the asymmetric relations of power which are generated among the system of beliefs of the state itself and the indigenous communities. However we can say that from the social indigenous imaginary, the theory about the socio-educational inequality and the sociology of religions, it is possible a new model of understanding to interpret the problem of discrimination in these communities in the educational politics of the State, which put a special emphasis on the exchange/diversity paradigm.