519.6 The hydroelectric power station of Belo Monte and indigenous issues: Aspects silenced for an indolent reason

Friday, August 3, 2012: 11:35 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Rebeca Makowski de Oliveira PRADO , College Social and Humanities Sciences, São Paulo State University , Franca, Brazil
Carla Arantes de SOUZA , Departamento de Derecho Privado, Universidad Estadual Paulista , Franca, Brazil
The ambitions Xingu river hydroelectric dam of basin date over 30 years, in the mids of an project guided by a developmental logic of the ‘70s and forged by conglomerates of large lobby in the National Congress, therefore, since the start, the debates have been guided around the  economic advantages of the enterprise, especially therewith the increase of the nacional energy potential at the expense of human rights of the local populations (indigenous, quilombo communities and people that depend on river), the preservation of environmental heritage and the maintenance of biodiversity. The prioritization of the economic interests to overpower others is a elucidation that the the treatment of the issue fallsat the heart of modern rationality which according to Boaventura de Sousa Santos promotes an aggregation of reality from the principle of regulation, with the exacerbation of the market pillar, places outside the experiments not consistent with the hegemonic paradigm. Within this paradigm the understanding of the silenced questions are made ​impossible, constituting an obstacle that the modern razon does not transpote, why other human  and environmental relational are disqualified and not recognized by the technical-scientific rhetoric. In face of this latent failure, the refounding of the debate led by a new rationality is needed to overcome the duality between economic development and respect for the rights of traditional peoples to self-determination. From this perspective, somatized to the critical thinking on human rights, it is intended to point out the silenced aspects of a debate that has failed to embrace the complexity of the problem, being unable to recognize the different form of relationship between traditional people with the environment, reducing the whole to economic interests.