249.4 The international circulation of researchers and their influences on cientifical practices in Brazil: A case study by the human genome research center

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 11:30 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Mariana TOLEDO FERREIRA , Sociology, Universidade de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
The article has as its point of departure the study of the Centro de Estudos do Genoma Humano (Human Genome Research Center), located at the Universidade de São Paulo, to analysis the impacts and influences of the international circulation of researchers on scientific practices in Brazil. This work is part of the area of sociology of science that investigates the relationship between the process of institutionalization of science and the study referred to alterations of concrete scientific practices, encompassing patterns of research, agendas, broadcasting of the results and formation of new researchers. International mobility is treated in its two dimensions: the process of institutionalization of the laboratory in question – the conditions of its creation, its organizational arrangement and the relationship with other human genetic laboratories – and its effects on concrete practices of scientific activity.

The article is based on a qualitative study (qualitative interviews, observation in the laboratory and consultation to document sources) investigating the contents of this international movement, from the more institutional experience, such as graduate school abroad, to more informal mobility, such as participation in seminars and other forms of exchange of short duration. This study helps understand the effects of these temporary migrations in personal and professional accomplishments, career paths, as well as changes in their research practices and establishment of international research networks.

To discuss these issues, we start from the empirical study of the Human Genome Research Center. Cutting the discussion to a specific area of knowledge and to a specific institution is necessary, because the scientific activity can not be treated uniformly, there are different configurations according to the knowledge area, institution,etc. We seek to understand how the general trends of the internationalization of science are expressed in a national context and in a specific area of knowledge.