524.6 The new social order and the democratization of environment cyber

Friday, August 3, 2012: 1:20 PM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Daiene GARCIA , Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais - Campus de Franca/SP, Universidade Estadual Paulista , Franca, Brazil
The digital era, inaugurated by the technological revolution, characterized by the diffusion of virtual, led the society to establish relationships in cyber environment, with special featured for the Internet, base of digital convergence. The cyber environment provides real-time interaction and intense spread of information. Therefore, and due to its transboundary nature, the information is to be received by a growing number of people. The participatory media enables the repercussion of the subject impeding the government of ignores the will and popular opinion. The virtual manifestations in the media participatory entails the called cyberactivism, with the potential to trigger significant changes, including in the form of government. As an example, we have the Arab Spring, whose mobilization began in the cyber environment. On the other hand, has been carrying out in cyberspace the spread of ideas and even terrorist attacks, setting the called cyberterrorism. The Al Qaeda, for example, are using the cyber environment to recruit members and raise funds. In view of the importance of the subject, we must understand the influence of cybernetic relationships, especially those that are established in the bulge of participatory media, in modification the social order, inaugurated by new means of communication. It is intended to analysis the questions such as the democratization of access to the cyber environment, the censorship to new media - the example of what happens in China - and the use of technical SEO (Search Engine Optimizationcon) to index the search results in cyberspace and a possible manipulation of information. Is necessary to reflect about the legal, social and philosophical aspects of the new social order, considering the right to digital inclusion and rights of access to information and freedom of expression in the cyber environment, fundamental human rights listed among the rights of solidarity.