450.1 Cultural offers and audience transformations

Friday, August 3, 2012: 9:00 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Jaime Miguel GONZÁLEZ CHÁVEZ , Universidad de Coahuila, Mexico
Efraín DELGADO RIVERA , Universidad de Coahuila, Mexico
Joel ORTEGA CONTRERAS , Universidad de Coahuila, Mexico
The transformations on Leon city morphology, from 20 years ago to the date, are a result that integrates cultural practices within its geographical urban context, a temporal dimension that tells us the history of the city and a systematic perspective that brings us closer to the understanding of the transitive processes of one state to the other of the city. The diachronic segmentation of the cultural equipment (based on the socio-structural perspective of the cultural fields of Pierre Bouerdieu) would lack of depth without the notion of the sense of the practices (objective and subjective) within its context, which makes an induction that allows an approach to the social reality of the investigation object necessary. Understanding the shifting environment of the socio-cultural relations that both impact and become progress, reinforce the public policy and appropriate complex strategies of social empowerment provided by knowledge, which is by cyberculture’s notion, articulated to empower the discursive and autopoietic practices from the community to its own progress. Three fields are studied in particular based on Jorge González and his project “Cultural Offers and Public formation” experiences: culture/art field, food field and the educative field.