450 Society, ciberculture and sociocybernetics, and sociology on the move

Friday, August 3, 2012: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
OB 304 (Faculty of Economics)

RC51 Sociocybernetics (host committee)
Session Organizer:
Margarita MAASS, Session Organizer, Mexico
Cultural offers and audience transformations
Jaime Miguel GONZ�LEZ CH�VEZ, Universidad de Coahuila, Mexico; Efra�n DELGADO RIVERA, Universidad de Coahuila, Mexico; Joel ORTEGA CONTRERAS, Universidad de Coahuila, Mexico

Complex systems and cybercultur@
Jorge GONZ�LEZ, Universidad Nacional Aut�noma de M�xico, Mexico

Under the pirate flag: Study on identification based on filesharing
Daniel CESAR, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil

See more of: RC51 Sociocybernetics
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