132.6 Eric Fromm and religion

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: 12:00 AM
Faculty of Economics, TBA
Distributed Paper
seyed Javad MIRI , sociology, Institute of humanities and cultural studies, Tehran Iran, Iran
We may think that the process of defining is a simple act of semantic significance but the truth of the matter indicates otherwise. In other words, to define a concept is as important a scientific act as any other aspects of epistemological endeavours due to the fact that if one is able to define an object correctly it surely indicates that s/he has been able to conceive the 'studied subject' in a rounded fashion. To put it otherwise; it indicates that one has been able to delimit the boundaries of the object in a cocneptual fashion within the mental parameters by turning the unknown dimensions into known aspects. Having said this, we need to turn to the question of religion and social theory as it has been conceptualized within a Frommian point of departure. While being conscious about the indefinability nature of religion, Fromm has attempted to define the social character of religiosity both historically and contemporaneously. In this paper, we shall look at Fromm's view on religion and the modalities it may have taken in the course of history and in the bossom of modern society.