Friday, August 3, 2012: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
APT 110 (Faculty of Economics)
RC32 Women in SocietyRC09 Social Transformations and Sociology of Development
RC13 Sociology of Leisure (host committee)
Session Organizers:
Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, India
Evangelia TASTSOGLOU, Saint Mary´s University, Canada
Bula BHADRA, Dept. of Sociology, University of Calcutta, India
María Cristina TAMARIZ, El Colegio de México, Mexico
Kuang-chi CHANG, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Mujeres y agencia en Chile: Implicancias para la percepción del tiempo libre (Oral Presentation)
Irony of "having leisure time" in the absence of men (Oral Presentation)
Preception of leisure among working women: A sociological perspective (Oral Presentation)
Income and health in Latin America: Is there a gender gap? (Oral Presentation)
Traviesos: Trouble-making as resistance in U.S. debuts and quinceañeras (Oral Presentation)