714 Public spaces in global metropolises: Form, function, and meaning. Part I

Saturday, August 4, 2012: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM
OB 301 (Faculty of Economics)

RC21 Regional and Urban Development (host committee)

Language: English
Session Organizers:
Diane E. DAVIS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and Nora Ruth LIBERTUN DE DUREN, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Public space in contemporary Bogotá: From policy artifacts to urban assemblages (Oral Presentation)
Federico PEREZ, Graduate Student, USA

Public- Private and beyond: Looking towards new meanings of public space (Oral Presentation)
Kulwinder KAUR, Jamia Millia Islamia, University, India

“But this is a park!” the paradox of public space in a Buenos Aires “no man's land” (Oral Presentation)
Jacob LEDERMAN, Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA

Uses and appropriation of public spaces by the foreign population. The case of Madrid (Oral Presentation)

Las pugnas por el uso del espacio público: Explorando moralidades y narrativas sobre la desigualdad (Distributed Paper)
Natalia COSACOV, IIGG-UBA, Argentina; Mariano PERELMAN, UBA-CONICET, Argentina

Concrete and imaginary: Meanings of Roosevelt Square, São Paulo (Distributed Paper)
Daniela PALMA, LEER (Laboratório de Estudos sobre Etnicidade, Racismo e Discriminação), Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil