495 Politics and Religion

Friday, August 3, 2012: 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
NB 414 (Faculty of Economics)

RC22 Sociology of Religion (host committee)

Language: English
Session Organizer:
How the Catholic church's involvement in politics has affected religiosity in Spain and Poland – Cohort and period perspective (Oral Presentation)
Mikolaj STANEK, Spanish National Research Council, Spain; Miguel REQUENA, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain

Religious beliefs and practices in the application of maria da penha law (Oral Presentation)
Lourdes BANDEIRA, University of Brasilia - UnB, Brazil; Tânia Mara ALMEIDA, University of Brasilia - UnB, Brazil

The circulation of bioethics. The production of contemporary Catholic bioethics in Argentina (Oral Presentation)
María Gabriela IRRAZABAL, CEIL CONICET, Argentina

Derechos humanos e iglesia católica en el contexto de las elecciones presidenciales de Brasil en 2010
Rodrigo TONIOL, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil; Carlos Alberto STEIL, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil