A Study of Retired Old People in Kolhapur City

Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Location: Arcade Courtyard (Main Building)
Usha PATIL, Mahavir Mahavidyalaya, India
In old age people never feel feeble, if they are phisically, economically and        

mentally vigorous. When the people are young, they cann’t fulfill all their dreams ,but old age gives the opportunity to fulfill them. The retired people are the assets of society.They have the wealth of knowledge and experience with them. The old people want a sensible partner, who will understand their feelings,who will support them emotionally, physically and economically.They like to remain always busy in gardening,reading, playing with grandchildren,praying, sharing peer groups etc.

          An ageing is not always a curse, sometimes it is an opportunity to live life more enthusiastically. After the retirement one can fulfill one’s dreams for one gets enough time, which couldn’t be fulfilled before. Ageing is the stage of life that cannot be avoided. If we accept it as a reality, we can lead life merrily. We must accept it as the God’s gift.

          The retired people are the assets of society.They have  knowledge and experience with them.Nothing is imposible in the world, if we combine the experience of old people and power of youth to achieve the set goal. The attempt has been made to understand daily activities, life style,  friend circle, psychological difficulties, family support, social status and mental satisfaction in daily life  of the retired old people.

          The objectives of the study are to to know  the family background, psychological  conditions and social contribution of the retired old people. The study is based on retired old people from various groups in Kolhapur city which is a district place. The sample selected for the study consists of twenty  retired male and twenty retired female respondents. Interview schedule has been used for the study. The collected information has been put in different tables. On the basis of finding some suggestions have been made.