Societal Wellbeing in Europe before and after the Economic Crisis. Monitoring Societal Change with a New Multidimensional Measurement.
The empirical approach presents this new operationalization strategy of societal wellbeing using indicators of two waves of the European Social Survey (2006 and 2012). Societal wellbeing is designed as a second order factor (based on various subjective evaluations of quality of society) and the whole operationalization strategy is evaluated using the method of Multi Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The second part of my empirical analysis refers to the evolution of those potential feelings of discontent within Europe in recent years. All European countries participating in the European Social Survey were grouped based on welfare state typologies to measure different developments of societal wellbeing separately across major European regions. Thirdly, multiple OLS-regressions within those regions were computed to justify the use of a final multi-level model. This model explores which contextual factors together with certain limitations of individual living conditions are able to explain different magnitudes of societal malaise across Europe.